Mold Treatment & Sanitation

Symptoms of Indoor Air Pollution:

“Sick House.” The name has an ominous sound, but it doesn’t mean that the house is leaning or falling apart. A sick house is a house with a serious air quality problem. The area can be described as “sick,” mainly because people develop symptoms of illness such as headaches, watery eyes, nausea, skin disorders and fatigue when they must spend considerable time where there is a build-up of air pollutants from household products, building materials, formaldehyde and/or respirable particles. Sick houses are usually houses with a serious moisture problem. Moisture also plays an important role in promoting the growth and spread of mold (mildew). Molds produce spores, tiny encased “seeds,” which float in the air. Under severe contamination thousands of mold spores can be suspended in each cubic foot of air. When people are exposed to mold spores over and over they can develop allergic symptoms.

How To Sanitize And Disinfect Mold

Microban® Disinfectant Spray For environmental protection against Germs, Odors, Mold and Mildew

Microban offers protection against dangerous and destructive microorganisms. Disease causing bacteria, fungi and viruses cause illness and threaten our health and well-being. It is well documented that mold, mildew, fungi and bacteria cause materials to degrade and deteriorate. The destructive action of microorganisms on materials often results in unpleasant odors.

Safe and Effective
Microban has been rigidly tested under government recommended procedures by internationally renowned testing laboratories, universities and hospitals. Microban testing insures its safety to you, your family, your pets and the environment. MicroBan Disinfectant is registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Proven Effective
Microban has been rigidly tested for efficacy and toxicology under strict governmental guidelines.

Why Microban is an important part of a mold remediation protocol?

While cleaning removes visible contamination, significant quantities of microorganisms are often left behind. An application of Microban after cleaning destroys many of these microorganisms, thus preventing them from multiplying. The Microban formulation contains high levels of active ingredients, which destroy microorganisms upon application and then provide residual protection against odor causing microorganisms.

Some of the organisms Microban is effective against:

Fungi. Aspergillus niger (Black Mold), Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus terreus, Penicillium citrinum and Athletes’ foot fungi.

Bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, Staphylococcus albus, Staphylococcus albus coagulase, Staphylococcus aureus hemolyticus coagulase, Staphylococcus citreus, Salmonella choleraesuis, Salmonella typhosa, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Most gram-positive bacteria and Most gram-negative bacteria.

Viruses. Influenza A2 and Herpes Simplex – Genital herpes.

Sporicidin® Disinfectant: FDA, EPA and OSHA Compliant

Sporicidin® Disinfectant is FDA, EPA and OSHA compliant. They are recommended for use in homes, offices, hospitals, medical, dental and veterinary clinics, pet areas, pharmaceutical and industrial clean rooms, laboratories, nursing homes, schools, hotels, dormitories, buses, trains, airplanes, trucks, automobiles, morgues, lockers, athletic facilities, beauty and tanning salons, massage facilities and public toilets.

Sporicidin® Disinfectant Products are broad-spectrum disinfectants that provide 100% kill of disease and odor-causing organisms on hard, non-porous surfaces. They cleanse, disinfect and deodorize and prevent mold and mildew growth. They are recommended for use on floors, walls and ceilings in areas damaged by water, smoke and sewage. Sporicidin® is fungicidal and effective against mold like Chaetomium globosum and Aspergillus niger.

Sporicidin® Disinfectant Solution is approved for cleaning air ducts and decontaminating carpets. Sporicidin® can be used to clean and disinfect biohazards at trauma and crime scenes where blood and bodily fluids are found. Sporicidin® is EPA registered to provide up to six months of continuous residual bacteriostatic activity after it is applied to surfaces.

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