Serving The Greater Atlanta Metro Area

Medical Problems Caused By Mold In The Atlanta Metro Home

Mold in the home is more than just unsightly—it’s dangerous. While most people will see only mild symptoms, there are many different problems which can stem from this subtle invader.

Allergic reactions

Your basic run-of-the-mill allergic reactions are pretty much inevitable. Itchy eyes or skin, runny or stuffy noses, basic wheeziness, all the problems that say ‘I’m allergic to something here’. Most people are going to be at least a little allergic to mold, so this will usually be your first warning of a problem.


Anyone with asthma in your home will be in danger if there’s mold in the home, as it can easily trigger attacks. If you notice an uptick in asthma problems from someone in your home, consider mold—and other air quality problems, such as obstructed vents or pests—as a likely culprit.

Pain and stiffness

Over time, many people will begin to experience general pain and stiffness as a result of mold exposure, particularly in the morning. Joint pain and headaches are particularly common as a result of this problem, as is the exacerbation of any other difficulties you may have with pain or inflammation.

Fatigue and weakness

Progressing into more severe medical symptoms, mold exposure can produce chronic fatigue and weakness over time. This can stem from insomnia brought on by other symptoms, or be an early sign of the most dangerous mold symptoms, those pertaining to brain function.

Neurological symptoms

While molds won’t typically trigger neurological symptoms, there are certain strains which present a major risk on this front. Be alert to frequent mood swings, depression, emotions without a clear source. You should also be alert to confusion, difficulty thinking or expressing yourself, strange impulses, and similar difficulties. These problems can be triggered in those already suffering from mood disorders or neurological difficulties, or be created by damage from the exposure.

If you show any of these symptoms, you’ll want to call a doctor and an HVAC professional immediately. The milder symptoms may not warrant emergency reactions, but you’ll want to get someone in to perform an air and mold test and confirm what’s going on, just in case. Atlanta Air Experts perform mold remediation in Atlanta, along with various testing services, water removal, and other HVAC and air quality services. Call us today.