Chimney Cleaning:
Benefits and Safety

Maintaining your home’s HVAC system is important for multiple reasons. It improves the air quality in the house, boosts energy efficiency and extends the life of all HVAC appliances. Now, the chimney may not be directly connected to the ventilation system of your home, but maintaining the fireplace and chimney is vital for different reasons. There really is nothing like the heat provided by a fireplace, but it does require regular cleanings.

Soot build-up over time

Over time, it doesn’t matter if you use a gas-based fireplace or a wood burning fireplace, soot does begin to cling to the interior of the chimney. It does build up faster with wood, but oil residue will cling to the chimney as well (similar to how the hood vent in a kitchen needs to be cleaned due to the debris that sticks to it). As the soot and oil residue begins to build inside the chimney, it creates a fire hazard. Potentially, it may catch fire itself and spread through the rest of the home. A chimney cleaning service will prevent this from happening.

Improved Smell

In Atlanta, when using licensed HVAC air duct cleaning professionals to clean your chimney, it will improve the smell inside of your house as well. If you fail to properly clean the chimney, it will leave the aroma of smoke inside of your house as there is less room for the smoke to escape out of the chimney. Chimneys will close off with the soot build-up, similar to plumbing in your home. Cleaning the chimney improves the home’s smell by opening up the airway.

More Heat In Your Home

If you have a wood burning furnace that provides heat throughout the entire home, you need a clean chimney as higher floors depend on the heat from your fireplace. Cleaning the chimney helps open the ventilation system, which allows the heat to travel through the home easier. By doing this, you can heat your home with less wood. By taking advantage of duct cleaning services, you’ll reduce the amount of money you pay to heat your home while making it safer at the same time.

To get your chimney cleaned in time for winter, contact Atlanta Air Experts today to speak to our friendly team, and get rid of that soot before it builds up.

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